

In Which Age Is It Appropriate To Have a Hair Transplant?

In Which Age Is It Appropriate To Have a Hair Transplant?

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Medical of Istanbul

In Which Age Is It Appropriate To Have a Hair Transplant?

The most suitable age range for hair transplantation is between the ages of 21-60. Hair transplantation can also be done at an early age depending on genetic factors, but in this case, the hair loss process may take longer. The most suitable age for hair transplantation depends on the speed of hair loss and whether there are other hair loss problems.

It is important to consult a specialist to determine whether you are suitable for hair transplantation. The specialist determines the cause of your hair loss and determines the most appropriate treatment method for your hair loss. Sometimes it can be changed as shampoo, lotions or vitamin drugs in treatment methods.

Hair transplantation is a permanent solution to the problem of hair loss. However, careful care and follow-up is required after hair transplantation. If the patient has existing hair, it is important that you apply treatment to protect them. It is important to follow your doctor’s recommendations for your hair to grow in a healthy way after hair transplantation.

We reported that hair transplantation is a permanent solution. However, before transplanting, you should discuss with your doctor whether the existing hair may fall out, and whether there are any risks according to your age. Depending on your health and age, your treatment method will vary.

In Which Age Is It Appropriate To Have a Hair Transplant?

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