Although hair loss is perceived as a problem experienced by men, many women today also complain about it. It can occur as a result of certain factors such as genetics, hormonal reasons, iron deficiency, heat damage, B12 deficiency and various drugs used, chemotherapy. The problem of hair loss can be solved permanently and satisfactorily by hair transplantation in women as well as in men.

Hair analysis and transplantation planning is a very important issue in hair transplantation in women. In order to get efficient results from hair transplantation, hair analysis should be done and then it should be decided what approach to follow in order to get the best result from hair transplantation. Since hair loss in women may differ from that in men in certain situations, hair transplantation may not always be the most accurate treatment method. If there is a hair loss that we call male type, such as thinning of the hair, regression of the hairline in the forehead area, hair transplantation can be applied. However, if there is “Alopecia”, which is described as female pattern hair loss and occurs at the same level in every part of the hair, hair transplantation treatment is generally not applied.

If it is decided that hair transplantation is appropriate, this procedure is performed using the FUE method in women as well as in men. In this method, which is performed under local anesthesia without the need for a surgical operation and does not leave a permanent scar on the patient, healthy hair follicles collected from the donor area with special micro-motor devices are transplanted one by one to the area to be transplanted.

The process of healing after hair loss and reaching the desired density of hair covers an average of 12 months in women as well as in male patients.

What are the Causes of Women Hair Loss?

  • Traumatic Alopecia: Hair styling, cosmetics and chemical products used in daily life can cause hair loss. Of course, other than these, hair dryers, curling tongs, etc. It breaks hair strands in style products.
  •  Alopecia areata: is a disease that happens when the immune system attacks hair follicles and causes hair loss. Hair follicles are the structures in skin that form hair. While hair can be lost from any part of the body, alopecia areata usually affects the head and face.
  • Cicatricial Alopecia: Scarred Alopecia is the permanent hair loss in which the hair follicles are damaged and replaced by scar tissue.
  • Androgenetic Alopecia: It is a dermatological condition that can cause serious psychosocial problems in individuals with genetic predisposition, associated with male hormone sensitivity, which occurs when hair loss or thinning generally starts at the age of 15-30, with retraction of the hairline or opening of the crown area.
  • Temporary Hair Loss: In some cases, women experience short-term hair loss. The common type of temporary hair thinning is TELOGEN EFFLUVIUM. It is the second most common cause of hair loss. It is only a temporary process and occurs when the number of follicles changes at rest.
  • Hormone Imbalances: After experiencing a major event in life that creates a lot of tension and stress, your hair may begin to thin. Mental and physical stress can cause changes in some of the cycles your body goes through and eventually lead to hair loss.

The times when hair transplantation will be done in women:

  • Hair loss due to burns and scars.
  • Hair loss caused by pulling the hair back.
  • In case of pulling the receding front line to the desired point due to hair loss.

After Women Hair Transplantation

There are many important points that women should pay attention to after hair transplantation using the FUE technique. The most important of these points is that the hair will fall out and grow back shortly after the hair transplant. From the moment the hair starts to grow back, hair care should be done regularly with the lotions recommended by the hair transplant specialist. In this way, better results are obtained after transplantation by feeding the hair follicles. Depending on the situation, these products are used between 5-6 months, and then, according to expert advice, herbal and less chemical-containing products that can be applied by massaging the hair roots provide better results from hair transplantation in women. It is important to spend this process with expert support both in terms of hair health and increasing the effects of the treatment.

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