

What are the Causes And Solutions Of Unsuccessful Hair Transplantation?

What are the Causes And Solutions Of Unsuccessful Hair Transplantation?

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Medical of Istanbul

What are the Causes And Solutions Of Unsuccessful Hair Transplantation?

Planning to have a hair transplant is generally very helpful in renewing people’s personal image and gaining self-confidence. But a successful operation may not go as planned. You may not achieve the desired result in the operation. In these cases, the person may feel even more insecure. You may find yourself in an exhausting process.

What are the Causes And Solutions Of Unsuccessful Hair Transplantation?

Improper care of the transplanted roots: Incorrect protection of the roots taken from the donor area during the operation, not following the rules given after the operation, not paying attention to hygiene may be factors in the failure of the result.

What are the Causes And Solutions Of Unsuccessful Hair Transplantation?

Experience Surgeons: The experience and experience of the transplant team is very important in the success of the hair transplant result. An inexperienced team may damage the roots or not plant properly when planting the roots that have been taken. This may result in an unsuccessful result.

Weak Donor Area: The quality of the donor (neck part between the two ears) is very important in hair transplantation. The fact that the roots taken from this area are weak, poor quality and sparse cause the result of the operation to be of poor quality.

Health Problems: High cholesterol, uncontrolled diabetes, blood clotting problem, keloid, eczema etc. Such health problems adversely affect the healing process and the result of hair transplantation. It is very important to inform the surgeon about your health problems before the operation.

Medical of Istanbul

Expectation from hair transplantation: Your expectation from hair transplantation is very important. Because your expectation may disappoint you depending on the degree of hair loss, donor area quality, age and health status of the person. Before hair transplantation, you should compare all these possibilities with your expectations. If you have an unhealthy and limited donor area and serious opening area, you may get unsuccessful results. Therefore, you need to evaluate all the risks that may occur.

Before and After Hair Transplant

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